Title: Cupid and Psyche
Author: M. Charlotte Craft
Illustrator: Kinuko Y. Craft
Date: 1996
Tags: Preschool, Picturebook, Mythology, Cupid and Psyche, Female lead, Ancient worlds, English
This lyrical retelling of the myth of Cupid and Psyche follows the original version from Apuleius’ Metamorphoses very closely. It leans into the fairy-tale aspects of the story, so that it’s easy to see how the myth inspired our modern Beauty and the Beast. Author M. Charlotte Craft does cut out one of Psyche’s trials, which is in keeping with the fairy-tale law of threes, but otherwise all the story beats are here. Cupid does his best to help in Psyche’s trials, which makes their love story a bit more romantic. As with any fairy-tale, the bad people are punished, and the good people live happily ever after. What makes this book really special, though, is Kinuko Y. Craft’s gorgeous Pre-Raphaelite illustrations. Readers of all ages will never tire of admiring them. – Krishni Burns