Title: Hit the Road, Helen!
Author: Kate McMullan
Date: 2015
Series: Myth-o-Mania, book 9
Tags: Chapter book, Novel, Mythology, Troy, Helen of Troy, Ancient worlds, English
Readers interested in a scholarly approach to children’s literature may consult this title on Our Mythical Childhood Survey*
Hit the Road Helen is told from Hades' point of view, and it's about how Zeus lied about the story of Helen of Troy. Zeus has his writer nymphs change the story so he looks brave, super strong, and cool, but he's actually a scaredy god. In this book, Hades is going to set the story right.
We've heard the story of Helen. She was the most beautiful person in the world, and Aphrodite promised that she would give Paris the most beautiful woman in the world if he gave Aphrodite the golden apple. Helen was married to Menelaus, but Aphrodite made Cupid shoot Helen with the smoochy-woochy arrow. Helen falls in love with Paris and goes to Troy. At the end of the war, Zeus blames the war all on Helen. Hades knows that's not true. It's actually Zeus and Eris' fault because Zeus is a myth-o-maniac, which is old Greek-speak for a big fat liar.
This book is really funny, and it’s full of cool details for lovers of Greek myths. There's a great moment when the ghosts of the soldiers who died in the Trojan War tell their stories and they cheer when they hear stories of someone from the other side dying. For people who don't like war, this might not be the book for you, but if you like hearing a twist on Greek mythology, I highly recommend Hit the Road Helen. –Aoife (age 11)
* For further information on the Our Mythical Childhood Survey, please refer to the website of the project “Our Mythical Childhood” [link: http://omc.obta.al.uw.edu.pl/], led by Prof. Katarzyna Marciniak at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales,” University of Warsaw, Poland, with the participation of Bar Ilan University, University of New England, University of Roehampton, University of Yaoundé 1, and other affiliated scholars, within the funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (grant agreement No 681202).