Title: Steed of the Gods (Beasts of Olympus, vol. 3)
Author: Lucy Coats
Illustrator: Brett Bean
Date: 2015
Tags: Chapter book, Novel, Mythology, Poseidon, Sea creatures, Helios, Ancient worlds, Male lead, Animal characters, English
Readers interested in a scholarly approach to children’s literature may consult this title on Our Mythical Childhood Survey*
Poseidon, ruler of the seas, and Helios, god of the sun, are at odds over whose horses are the fastest in the mythosphere, and everyone’s favorite stable boy is stuck in the middle. Poseidon borrows Demon to make sure his hippocamps are in tip top condition for the big race, but Helios wants Demon working for him in secret. Neither god wants to lose, and they aren’t necessarily going to play fair. Demon is determined to keep all his beasts safe from harm. Can he defy the gods, prevent divine skullduggery, and come out the real winner in the race between the sea and sky? Pan’s Scrawny Kid is up to the task!
The third book in the Beasts of Olympus series allows Demon to explore the world under the sea. It’s a lot less scary than the underworld, but it still has a few perils. That said, Nereus’ 50 daughters are definitely better company than Hades’ skeleton guards, and it’s nice to see Demon making some friends his own age. As always, Lucy Coats provides a funny, exciting story with a ton of information about mythology thrown in. – Krishni Burns
* For further information on the Our Mythical Childhood Survey, please refer to the website of the project “Our Mythical Childhood” [link: http://omc.obta.al.uw.edu.pl/], led by Prof. Katarzyna Marciniak at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales,” University of Warsaw, Poland, with the participation of Bar Ilan University, University of New England, University of Roehampton, University of Yaoundé 1, and other affiliated scholars, within the funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (grant agreement No 681202).